Watch Botanic Ridge Village take shape
Construction on Botanic Ridge Village commenced in March 2021 and is due for completion in 2022.
July Update
The Centre is beginning to take shape with the footings completed, concrete ground slab poured and concrete walls for Coles completed earlier in the year.
August Update
Most recently Aspekt Construction Group has been working on the roof over the Coles tenancy. The construction team have installed the structural steel and are now busy fitting the roof panels.
November Update
Aspekt Construction Group has made significant progress on the Coles supermarket, with the roof now complete and the warm shell being prepared. This includes the installation of services, lighting, plastering and the arrival of refrigeration cases. Works across the specialty tenancies are also powering along, with the installation of the roof and pouring of the concrete slabs. External works are also well underway in the car park.
March Update